IEDA Webinar on ISAM
Posted Sept. 8, 2016, 5:12 p.m.
John DeGroote presented a webinar in conjunction with Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Energy Office. The webinar presentation described the large data processing solar radiation modeling project the GeoTREE Center completed under an IEDA grant. The project resulted in a several order of magnitude more detailed mapping of solar radiation potential and a public facing web mapping application which can be accessed by anyone including individual property or business owners who would like to investigate solar potential of their property/building or solar installation companies who can use the application to do preliminary investigation of solar radiation potential anywhere in the state of Iowa. This web mapping application and underlying database are called the Iowa Solar Asset Mapping (ISAM) tool. The webinar was attended by individuals from academia, private companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
ISAM application