GIS Workshops


  1. Sugumaran, R., and Voss, M. 2010. Workshop - Introduction to remote sensing, Nebraska Tribal College students, August, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
  2. Sugumaran, R., and Voss, M. 2010. Workshop - Introduction to GPS, Nebraska Tribal College students, May –, March, Nebraska.
  3. Sugumaran, R., and DeGroote, J. 2010. LiDAR - GeoLITE, November 3rd, Santa Catarina state University, Florianopolis, Brazil.
  4. Sugumaran, R., and DeGroote, J. 2010. LiDAR - GeoLITE, April 21st, MAGIC, Kansas City, Kansas.


  1. Sugumaran, R., and DeGroote, J. 2009. LiDAR - GeoLITE, October 6th, EROS-USGS, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
  2. Sugumaran, R., and Petrov., A. 2009. Workshop - LiDAR - advanced, Saint-Petersburg state university, May 12 -15, Saint-Petersburg , Russia,
  3. Sugumaran, R., and Voss, M. 2009. Workshop - Introduction to GIS and GPS, Nebraska Tribal College students, July 20 – 24, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
  4. Basic HAZUS-MH - July 27-28, 2009 (Shane Hubbard, Facilitator)

    Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division in conjunction with the University of Iowa and the GeoTREE Center at the University of Northern Iowa provided training on HAZUS-MH MR3 to assist counties, local governments and tribal organizations in the use of HAZUS-MH. This free course is titled "Basic HAZUS-MH". The course was held in Cedar Falls, Iowa at the Department of Geography, 240 Innovative Teaching and Technology Center, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0406. The course began at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, July 27th, and concluded by6 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28th, 2009. Dress is casual.

    This course provided students with an introduction to the capabilities that HAZUS-MH offers for helping communities understand the social and economic risks that they face from earthquake, flood, and hurricane hazards. During the first part of the course, students were led through the process of installing HAZUS-MH and creating a study region that defines the area at risk from a hazard. They were then led through a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises to help them understand how HAZUS-MH can be used to define and analyze flood and earthquake hazards and the types of information that HAZUS-MH can produce about the social and economic losses that can result from each of those hazards. The course focused on a level 1 analysis which makes it possible to perform a complete hazard analysis with minimal to no additional input of data beyond what is included with the software.

    This course was recommended for anyone involved with or interested in planning for issues related to flood or earthquake events. This was open to government officials, students and researchers, insurance companies, utilities and others. The course was also recommended for individuals with a basic understanding of both personal computing and the ArcGIS software system.
  5. ArcGIS Server 9.3: Creating Mashups Using the ArcGIS APR for JavaScript – April 23, 2009 (in connection with IGIC)
  6. Going Farther with ArcGIS Desktop: A Hands-On Look at Popular Extensions - April 20, 2009 (in connection with IGIC)
  7. Basic HAZUS-MH for Flooding Workshop - April 20, 2009 (in connection with IGIC)


  1. Eastern Iowa GIS Day Conference – October 7, 2008

    GeoTREE sponsored the Eastern Iowa GIS Day Conference at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) on Tuesday, October 7th. The theme was "Geospatial technologies for natural disaster management." Due to the tornadoes and floods that struck Eastern Iowa last summer, this topic was chosen to assist local and state government agencies within Iowa. The conference was open to all Federal, State, Local and Tribal (FSLT) agency employees throughout Iowa and neighboring states. Keynote speakers included Gary Thompson of the North Carolina Geodetic Survey presented "North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program Lessons Learned," James Campbell of Virginia Tech addressing "Remote Sensing for local and state government agencies", and Shane Hubbard of the Polis Center at Indiana University Purdue, who spoke on "Flood Risk Assessment."

    Six different concurrent sessions were offered in the afternoon in various break-out rooms within GBPAC. GIS presentations included LiDAR, the May 2008 Iowa tornado, and hazard mitigation. Presentations were given by the Iowa Department of Transportation, the Cities of Cedar Rapids and Davenport, Butler, Linn, and Johnson Counties, the Iowa DNR, USGS, a few local businesses, and GeoTREE Center staff. Conference attendance was in excess of 185 registrants. Registrants originated from various county, state and federal agencies, universities, those from the private sector locations in Iowa as well as a few from out of state (see registration table below). Several vendor booths were also available in the GBPAC lobby. This was the largest event that GeoTREE has sponsored to date and the conference provided an excellent opportunity to serve those in the FSLT sectors throughout Iowa relating to natural disaster management.
  2. Public Health Workshop – August 19-20, 2008

    GeoTREE Center Staff assisted in a collaborative effort along with the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center, Department of Geography, and the Institute for Inequality Studies at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The workshop focused on geocoding, mapping, integration and analysis of environment and health data and measures of geographic access to health services.
  3. Agent-Based Modeling Workshop – July 2, 2008

    Luis Izquierdo from the University of Burgos in Spain presented an introductory workshop on Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo software from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 2nd, in ITTC 234. This free workshop was sponsored by the GeoTREE Center. Izquierdo presented the fundamentals of agent-based modeling and also the basics of using NetLogo (under continuous development at the Center for Connected Learning and Computer Based Modeling at Northwestern University), a freely available software for simulating natural and social phenomena. The workshop also included a hands-on opportunity to develop simple agent-based models. No previous experience in programming or agent-based modeling was required to participate.


  1. Introduction to VBA Programming with ArcObjects - July 18, 2007

    There were approximately 25 participants from various agencies who attended this workshop which featured both lecture materials and hands-on exercises using real spatial data from Iowa. The purpose of this workshop was to introduce the participants to Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programming using ArcObjects. ArcObjects are the components on which ESRI’s ArcGIS framework is built. VBA programming, in conjunction with ArcObjects, provides users with the ability to customize ArcGIS to more efficiently carry out workflows. The workshop participants were introduced to the basic concepts of VBA and ArcObjects and then allowed to work on exercises in which they learned to apply these concepts in common ArcGIS customization situations. The workshop was considered to be highly useful by participants based on evaluation forms they filled out.

    Exercises Presentation


  1. Geodatabase Introduction

    This workshop focused on the capabilities of the geodatabase and how to migrate existing GIS data to build a geodatabase for ArcGIS 9 with a focus on federal, state, local and tribal agencies applications. This workshop demonstrated the core functionality of both the Personal and Enterprise Geodatabase. This the workshop also focused on the strengths and advantages of migrating to the Geodatabase model.

  2. Python Scripting for GIS Experts

    In this workshop, participants learned about the Python scripting language and how it can be used to access the geoprocessing functionality in ArcGIS 9. Participants began the course by understanding the ArgGIS geoprocessing framework and Python scripting syntax and then progressed to writing scripts for geoprocessing operations.


Two workshops were offered.

  1. Iowa-NASA Environmental Data Challenge Workshop

    This workshop explored the creation of new partnerships between environmental data producers/users in Iowa and NASA, by the merging of four key areas of geospatial technology i.e. data collection, storage, modeling and visualization.

  2. Satellite Remote Sensing to GIS: NASA Data Integration Workshop Follow-on #2

    This workshop provided GIS users a simple, hands-on introduction to downloading freely available remote sensing data, loading it into a GIS, and performing simple enhancements and interpretations. Target users were natural resource, land management and environmental mangers.


Three workshops were conducted in the summer of 2003. Studies in Weather Analysis and Forecasting for Science Educators included a GIS/remote sensing component providing an general introduction to GIS as well as the use of GIS in meteorological data analysis.


Two workshops were offered at the Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) 6th Biennial GIS Conference.

  1. Color Infrared (CIR) Image Interpretation was held to address the widespread interest in Iowa's 2002 state-wide color infrared aerial photography. The workshop included basic principles of remote sensing and specific applications of the CIR data product.

  2. Introduction to Internet based GIS using ArcIMS provided participants with general information about Internet-based GIS technologies and some hands-on time with a basic ArcIMS project.